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St Paul’s has a vibrant, all age, choir which meets at 7.30pm on Fridays for choir practice, and leads the congregation in singing every Sunday morning and once a month at Evensong.

The Choir also sings at Weddings from time to time throughout the year. Boys and girls aged 7 and upwards are welcomed * as are men and women. Children are trained in church music as well as learning about the church in more general terms; Christian Seasons and Festivals, the meaning of the things we do in the various services and much more. They have an opportunity to earn graded awards as their knowledge and singing prowess improve.

The Choir are a friendly bunch of characters, who enjoy singing and serving their faith by this commitment to leading the worship in their community.

For further details, contact David Ridout – Organist & Choirmaster 01883 340357

Why not come along to a practice on a Friday at 7.30pm and see how you get on?

* Children should be accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult in the first instance.