Village Memorial Cleaning
We are planning to hold two working parties to clean the Village Memorial. It has become rather discoloured and it would be wonderful to show as much pride in our memorial as we do in those it honours, especially ahead of Remembrance Sunday. The working parties will be taking place on the mornings of Saturdays 21st and 28th September, weather permitting. It won’t involve any heavy work – all equipment is provided, you just need to supply the elbow grease and you can spend as little or as much time as you like – the more volunteers, the easier it will be!
Please contact David Todd at if you can help on either or both dates.
Caterham Food Bank – urgent appeal
The stocks of food at the Caterham Food Bank are seriously depleted and the demand for the Food Bank’s services continues to grow. The Food Bank has issued an urgent appeal to help replenish its stocks. Please help this essential work if you can – you can bring donations of food to St. Paul’s on Sunday or Monday mornings, or leave them in the church porch at other times. You can also donate money through the Food Bank’s website at, or leave food donations at a number of local supermarkets – details at

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Harvest Supper
THANK YOU to everyone who supported our Harvest Supper evening at the Woldingham Village Club on 7 October for their very generous donations. We successfully raised £864.50 which will go to the Foodbank in Caterham.